Saturday, August 21, 2010

So Wet

Fuckin A to those who run their big mouths and say Sibu won't have anymore floods. Fuck. You. Hard. Water level rose within 2 days. Yeah it might go down thru the day till night but by around 3am it'll start gushing in in huge volume. Imagine you're having a super orgasm, that's the same thing happening to the river. The yellow, murky, teh c' peng colored mud water. Oh did I mention the dogs are all laughing at us in Sibu right now?

Front of my house

Dog A: Bet your ass he's gonna walk thru the water to go to work.

Dog B: I think so. Oh, the door opens and there he goes.

Dog C: LOL, so much for nagging at us whenever we take a shit cos he have to wash them down the drain.

Dog A: Mm hmm, walk in our shit-filled water, human. Waaaaaaaaalk.

Let's take a look at the situation outside my house. I'm currently online cos I'm at work. So yeah, the conversation above by the dogs applied to me as well. If a big ass snake swam past me I probably can't see it, or probably think my zipper was open. Left my Vios at home, not gonna drive thru shit-filled water. And furthermore when you look at Vios' exhaust direction it really looks like a car suffering from erectile dysfunction.

Neighborhood. Those dilapidated houses are gonna drown LOL.

Since its only halfway up the pavement, the houses behind mine are still considered safe. Whenever the water gets into our parking compound, well, lets just say we have a row of half-Atlantis behind us. Saw a cute scene on the way to work (my boss' wife drove me to work LOL). An old guy was playing with his adult Rottweiler in the murky water. I was tempted to take Yuri out into the water but come to think of it, you don't know how much shit is in there. Last Chinese New Year, me and Lek (brother in law) were smoking at the balcony upstairs, facing the back row of houses.

Lek: Eh, not bad what the water level, see that house's gate still got about 2 feet left.

Me: You look at it properly first. If that's 2 feet there won't be any water in front of our house right now.

Lek: 2 feet what... Oh, actually less than that, the reflection from the water makes it looks like 2 feet.



Friday, August 20, 2010


Men's best friend? Or truthfully, man's (one) best friend. I'm talking about large breed or working breed. The same can't be said about toy dogs, or what I call the most irritating thing in the world. You don't expect someone like me to be able to stand the yapping. They go fucking "weyp weyp weyp weyp weyp", the damn shrill noises. When a large breed is a pup, yeah, everyone love him/her, everyone wanna pat, touch, hug, or cuddle the pup. But what happens to most large breed or stereotyped "aggressive breeds" when they grow up?

Not mine. I don't chain mine up.

I find it sickening when people buy large breed pups just because they are "cute", or "adorable" or worse, "cheap" (from puppy mills). You know what will happen to the dog once it grows up. Caged. Or chained. Never to be touched again. Dude, just key the breed name into Google and see what you're getting yourself into. See what it'll grow up to become, then make up your fuckin mind if you still wanna keep one. For me, I grew up with a large breed as a kid, and with large breeds around the neighborhood. Yeah, although Yuri is "cute" right now, I actually prefer him to be 3 years old instead of 3 months old. I don't see a point of wanting him to stay "cute" when he's a Rott for home security purposes.

Still cute? Wanna touch him? Wanna hug him? Not you.

The most awesome memory about Rotts that I carry from childhood happened while I was netting little fishes from the drain between my house and the neighbour. They had 3 Rottweilers and 2 Dobermans. 2 of the Rottweilers stood up on their hind legs, reaching about the same height as the fence, and barking non-stop. Honestly as a kid, they scared the shit out of me. Yeah, those booming barks. So much nicer to the ears (now) than the yapping of toy dogs. That's why I preferred Rotts, not to mention 9th smartest in the world. Now you all know why and stop asking the same fucking question "Why go for such aggressive breed?".

"Can I wrap them around your neck, Mr. Thief?"

Aggressive? Have you owned one or know someone who had one before? Mostly no. You probably mention that word from your experience watching horror movies (Blade Trinity?) and being barked at profusely. Um, all sorts of dogs will bark, bottom line. Its the silent ones that you gotta watch out for. I look at a few Rott owners, and their Rotts are so "sticky" to them, the main owner, one that trains/plays with/feed/take them out. Plainly misunderstood breed to the public. Have we seen Rotts what bit people for no reason? Yeah, those that are poorly taken care off, beaten daily, and stressed out Rotts. What, you don't think dogs find it stressful from being ignored? Then let's have you, an innocent fella, locked up for no apparent reason, and only have food and water shoved into your cell. Let's see how you'd like that.

Look at this and think of your damn Pomeranian.

So back to the term "men's best friend". 


Not when you're not welcomed at the premise and you get mauled. For trying to be a smart ass wanting to debunk the myth whether there's life after death. 

That's why they are only ONE man's best friend.

Here Again

So here I am back in Sibu, Sarawak. Haven't seen more than 20 of my old friends after 10 months. Work is taking up almost all my time. Its starting to make me feel like working longer than a whore, only I didn't get a 'stick' up any holes available below the waist. Coming back seriously makes me feel old, and everywhere I look its either people that are too young, or too old. For the first 3 months I think I was drinking daily. You think beer in Thailand is cheap, its even cheaper here. My jaw almost dropped when I heard we can get 3 cans of Heineken/Carlsberg/Tiger for RM10. 

Boss, you see this?

I find it funny how many cavemen here have never seen an LCD television that costs more than RM1,000. When they take a look at the TV price, most of them will be asking if it comes together with the home theater beneath the TV. Dude, instead of keep asking me "Satu set kah?", do me a favor; the fuckin KFC is right opposite the shop, go there and order as many sets as you want. Cavemen. Its a miracle they don't walk into the mall with a club and a wheel, in loincloth. No wonder West Malaysians (some) think we're staying on tree tops. Yeah, the parking lot will be full of logs on wheels and wild boars. And I drift my wild boar for extra cash at night after work.

How I look like 10 out of 12 hours at work

Keeping myself pretty busy with Yuri (3-month old Rottweiler). Never knew having a pup/dog would be so time-consuming. On the other hand, with a body like mine, I wouldn't want to end up as Yuri's chew toy or potential-dog-shit when he grows up. And the bastard is already humping on my leg yesterday. Where do dogs actually learn all this fucking stuffs? The same goes for Kelvin & Yuki's Phat Boss (pug) that was humping on a cushion in Kelvin's Segamat home few years back. Not like them mutts got their portable dvd players or laptops to watch porn on. Or did I stand way too near to a bitchy customer yesterday?

Look at his dumbass face

Well I'm either on Facebook or MSN 12 hours a day. That's how boring this work is, especially during down season. I feel like taking a holiday again, and a change of environment. Can't expect a nomad to stay in a place long eh?